• Utrecht Artists’ ​Oil Paints Review

    Utrecht Artists’ ​Oil Paints Review

    *Not a sponsored post. I’ve always heard good things about Utrecht products but hadn’t ever used them myself aside from a few brushes I got years ago. Since I recently sold a few paintings, I wanted to finally replace all of my remaining student grade paints with artist grade paints and decided to give these…

  • Utrecht Color Theory Challenge Complete

    Utrecht Color Theory Challenge Complete

    For the month of March, I challenged myself to paint 30 6×8 landscapes using only a limited palette of Utrecht paints. I further limited myself to painting local landscapes from my own references. Going into this, I knew I would be challenged by my inability to paint convincing rocks and the very real struggle to…

  • Utrecht Color Theory Challenge – Week 4

    Utrecht Color Theory Challenge – Week 4

    Day 22. When I was first starting to paint, I would look up tutorials on how to paint clouds, rocks, flowers, etc. I would watch these highly specific tutorials and do my best to follow them and struggle anyway. Eventually I figured out that learning to paint and learning to paint a flower are one…

  • Utrecht Color Theory Challenge – Week 3

    Utrecht Color Theory Challenge – Week 3

    Day 15. I’ve officially half way through this challenge. Only 15 paintings left. I’ve unfortunately hit a bit of a wall though. The last two paintings weren’t quite as good as I wanted them to be. They aren’t necessarily bad, but I can do better. With this painting specifically, I finished it but really wasn’t…

  • Utrecht Color Theory Challenge – Week 2

    Utrecht Color Theory Challenge – Week 2

    Day 8. Painting these large rock faces has been interesting. I think I may even be starting to get the hang of it. If I think of it as more of an abstract and am really messy about mixing my colors with my brush I can get a large variety of color and textures. The…

  • Utrecht Color Theory Challenge – Week 1

    Utrecht Color Theory Challenge – Week 1

    Day 1 and I’m already struggling. The yellow has been pretty difficult to mix so far. The green created by mixing the yellow and blue was really gross. You can see it only in a tiny part of this painting behind the trees on the right on the distant mountainside. My main way of getting…

  • Fourth Yellow Onion & Why I Decided to Stop Using Alizarin Crimson

    Fourth Yellow Onion & Why I Decided to Stop Using Alizarin Crimson

      There isn’t much to say about this painting. It’s the 4th of 9 yellow onion paintings I’m working on. It didn’t give me much trouble, but most of my paintings lately haven’t. I think I’ve officially reached a point where I can quickly and easily knock out a small still life painting. That can…

  • Mixing a Nice Purple

    Mixing a Nice Purple

      It’s been a while since I’ve painted some still lifes. In college and for a while after, I almost exclusively painted still lifes. I enjoyed painting them, but didn’t have an audience for them at the time. I’m ready for another go though. My still life project was originally going to be a 30 in…

  • A New Color Can Make All The Difference

    A New Color Can Make All The Difference

      Getting a new red spurred me to paint this painting. I really wanted to test out the new color before using it in the Fisher Towers painting. I didn’t see the sense in trying and potentially failing and adding more frustration on a painting I’m already frustrated with. I’m really glad I started fresh.…