• A New Sketch & Thoughts on Caring for Brushes

    A New Sketch & Thoughts on Caring for Brushes

      The next one is on the easel. It needs some more work on the sketch, but it’s a good start. I’m actually really happy with the mouth and left eye. The right eye and the nose especially, need more work. This painting is going to be my first color portrait of a person. I…

  • Oil Painting Portrait – Part 6

    Oil Painting Portrait – Part 6

      It’s almost done! I finally made some really good progress on this painting and the finish is clearly in sight. A quick peruse through my photos revealed that I’ve been working on it off and on since January. It’s now December. I have taken months off from working on it at a time due to…

  • More Work on Jewel Beach

    More Work on Jewel Beach

    Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone is enjoying a good meal. This is by far my favorite holiday. It’s all friends, family, and food. I worked on this painting throughout the week and even a little today. I’ve been struggling with it, but I’m on track. I really like the water and the lower right portion…

  • Repainting Jewel Beach

    Repainting Jewel Beach

      This week was difficult. I planned to work on older paintings, but I just couldn’t get myself to start. I ended up not painting until last night despite sitting down to paint multiple times throughout the week. The painting above is the result. I’m not thrilled about it, but it’s actually better than it was.…

  • “Dopey” Dog Portrait

    “Dopey” Dog Portrait

      I finished this surprise painting for my mother-in-law Vicki this week. She’s always been very supportive of my painting and is my only paying customer to date. With that in mind, I wanted to give her something really special for Christmas. Her favorite dog Dopey is getting older and blinder by the minute so…

  • Black Dog Paint Along – Part 2

    Black Dog Paint Along – Part 2

      Crystal and I have made some good progress on our paintings. We’ve actually gotten together more often than I expected and we might actually get our paintings finished soon. I think I finally figured out most of my problems with the dog, but now I need to fix the background. It was originally blue,…

  • My Sister’s Cat

    My Sister’s Cat

      Meet Lil Buddy, my sister’s cat. I painted this as a gift to my sister and her new husband for their birthdays. I wanted this to be a surprise so I had to scour Facebook accounts and texts for reference pictures. I found a gem my sister texted me a while ago of Lil…

  • Black Dog Paint Along – Part 1

    Black Dog Paint Along – Part 1

      I don’t know that I’m necessarily qualified to conduct painting lessons, but I have been. My sister-in-law, Crystal was so proud of her rooster painting that she wanted to paint another one. This time we decided to paint the same subject so I can better explain the hows and whys.     I haven’t…

  • Oil Painting Portrait – Part 5

    Oil Painting Portrait – Part 5

      I don’t have much to show this week. I’ve been working on a surprise painting that I can’t show until it reaches its destination. So while I did work on my portrait some more, I spent the majority of my painting time working on the surprise. I’m at least happy with the work I…

  • Oil Painting Portrait – Part 4

    Oil Painting Portrait – Part 4

      One step forward, two steps back. I’m sure I’ll eventually get where I’m going. I’ve been putting off working on this painting for months because I felt like it had reached a point where I could only screw it up. Lo and behold, I completely f-ed it up. So here I was, feeling awful…

  • Looking with Fresh Eyes

    Looking with Fresh Eyes

      Every once in a while I’m reminded of the importance of looking at art with fresh eyes. I thought I was just about finished this paining yesterday. Yet today, when I was going to put my signature on I realized that it wasn’t even close to being done and put some more time into…

  • Painting a Collection

    Painting a Collection

      This week has been hectic and I haven’t had time to paint. I was more productive last week though and got this painting started. I need to glaze some red/orange in the clouds and add a bit more detail in the foreground, then it’ll probably be done. This painting will be number 18 in my…