Tag: yellow onion oil painting still life

  • The Complete Yellow Onion Series

    The Complete Yellow Onion Series

      Here it is, the complete yellow onion series! While I did really enjoy painting these onions, I’m also really glad I’m done for now. I’ve discovered that yellow onions are hardly yellow at all. There was far more pink and orange than I expected. The completion of the onions is also one giant step…

  • The Last Yellow Onion

    The Last Yellow Onion

      I’m relieved to be done with onions for the moment as this set of 9 onions is now finished. They’re really interesting to paint and far more colorful than I expected. Though, at times I was thoroughly annoyed with all of those colors. For instance, this one has pink, orange, yellow, brown, and purple…

  • The 6th Yellow Onion

    The 6th Yellow Onion

      This my be my favorite onion to date. It has so many colors happening in it. It may be that I just love a good transformation. I seriously hated this painting to begin with. It was a cartoon circus onion when I was just starting it out, but the more I worked on it,…

  • Fourth Yellow Onion & Why I Decided to Stop Using Alizarin Crimson

    Fourth Yellow Onion & Why I Decided to Stop Using Alizarin Crimson

      There isn’t much to say about this painting. It’s the 4th of 9 yellow onion paintings I’m working on. It didn’t give me much trouble, but most of my paintings lately haven’t. I think I’ve officially reached a point where I can quickly and easily knock out a small still life painting. That can…